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Steam Demo Announce...
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Steam Demo Announcements

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V2.2 list of changes

- Added activity tree (summary of various activities available in SLF season 1)

- Improved clue diagrams
- Prof's advice and Kelhann's deduction are displayed in a dedicated window
- Player can elevate Kelhann's FPS view
- Improved display of activity launch menu
- Addition of the first science course
- Minor Bug Fix

Still to do:

- Allow the player to modify the resolution and graphic quality to improve performance depending on the machine
- Correct the level 2 bulbs, 6V, a resistor of 2.5Ohm instead of 2 of 5 in series also works
- Add the following buildings: "The Story of Life" and "Experiment Room" and "Bread-Board"
- Add sign: Time travel in front of the ball
- Add direction signs
- Trip "Telegraph of Chappe"
- Teacher welcome for new play

Ce message a été modifié Il y a 2 ans par Angelo
Posté : 05/06/2022 6:48 am